Monday 28 March 2011


We visited my old friend (old as in long-standing, not age! She's only 6 months older!) in my old home town, Denton (Manchester) this weekend and had a nice stroll around Etherow Country Park in Compstall near Marple.

Felt like I needed to take these in sepia, as (although a little cheesy) I don't think I'd been there for at least 15 years and it had not changed a bit. Great memories of buying seeds for the ducks.

The Garden Geek

Saw this dress in River Island and instantly had to get it. Then once I got it home discovered it was called Garden Geek.

This is just so me! x

It's called Pop Music for a reason...

You know what, I'm going to have a little moan.

Certain people are really starting to get on my nerves, the types of people who think they are cool because they hate bands/music that are popular and love bands that people have never even heard of. Or does this mean I'm the uncool one because I haven't I heard of them!

But then, surely it's called Pop Music for a reason. I like it, and I like being so uncool and that's what makes me cool.

So, erm cool.

This review particulalry peeves me off.

Monday 21 March 2011

OMG I'm Getting Married!

Yes, I still can't believe it, even after 6 1/2 months. Me and my boy Roy are getting married! Whoop! 'Overwhelmed' just doesn't describe how I'm still feeling now!

So...the proposal story. It was just a normal August night, until Roy suddenly announced that we are going on holiday and it was a surprise destination for my 26th Birthday (which was 4 weeks away). Well, the surprise destination that didn't last long, I knew he'd give in after about 3 hours of me guessing!!! I'm terrible! "Is the UK? No. Is it...a Greek Island? Yes. Is it..." etc etc...until I finally guessed CORFU!

Just couldn't wait! Well, the time soon came, and here we were on our first evening :-)

The next day we hired a car, it was a gorgeous day and we got all set to head up Mount Pantokrator. However, my bad directing took us the wrong way, and we ended up heading towards the wrong side of the island! But had an amazing day at Paleokastritsa, a beautiful spot. What I didn't realise was that something sparkly was in the beach bag...

Well after an amazing day at the beach, we went back to the hotel for a little siesta and went for a lovely walk before dinner to watch the sunset over the beach...

Amazing. Just at this spot we sat down and watched the sunset. Roy pulled me close, perfect...well almost, a Greek couple turned up and sat down next to us and started chatting away! Me, completely blissfully unaware of how close I was to being proposed to, had food on the brain and all I wanted to do at that point in time was eat! So dragged Roy into the nearest restaurant and had a lovely meal.

We started to walk back to the hotel along the beach when all of a sudden Roy stopped me in my tracks, lets stay here for a bit, he said. Pulled me close, told me how much he loved me and how he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me. My response was bloody hell what's got into you, soppy git! The soppyness kept flowing, and then the 'will you marry me'. My answer - of course I will, you know that. No Natalie, seriously, 'Will You Marry Me?'

Wha? What?? Pretty wooden box, Roy trying to open pretty much every side of the box 5 times before getting the right one, then the most amazingly gorgeous ring I've ever seen. Next thing I knew it was sat snugly on my finger. Take that as a yes then said Roy, YESSSSS!!!!! said between tears of joy!!!

I just couldn't stop laughing. Crying. Laughing. Finally I thought, after 9 1/2 years :-)

We tried to find a bar in the little Corfuit town we were staying in that served Champagne. Impossible! So ended up sipping really bad flat Champagne at the hotel bar, the stuff they use for cocktails, but grateful it was Champagne nontheless...alongwith a glacier cherry. Yessss!!!

Blissfully happy. And it was my birthday the next day :-)

Just had to share this snap - food porn!

And this...ready for your close up Miss Sparkly?

My ring, chosen by my boy Roy, unique Phoenix cut. Beautiful :-)

I can't believe I'm getting married!!!!!!!!!

Thursday 10 March 2011

Land of the Living...

To celebrate (almost) a year as an official homeowner (with a hefty mortgage, but happy non the less!) here are some 'before, during and after' photos of our living room...we started to redecorate  pretty much the day after getting the keys, couldn't wait to get stuck in :-)


Do you think the fireplace has improved just a bit? I love our Victoria cast iron fire surround bought from THE most amazing salvage fair.

We just need to get round to doing something to the fire now. I'm not sure an electric fire will do it justice!

And, (very apt the day after National No Smoking Day), this is why you shouldn't smoke...

Yes, the lighter area is after I scrubbed with soapy water. Ick.

Flower Power

How gorgeous is this spray rose...and guess what, it's called 'Natalie'! I love the mix of blush pink and greenery. Thanks Lisa for the pic. I'm thinking of having these in my bouquet.

Lisa is our lovely friend, and has recently agreed to be our florist for the big day. She has a beautiful little shop in Loughborough (which I'm yet to check out - must do very soon!). Check out her amazing blog here
and website here.

Sunday 6 March 2011